The elementary hand is the first type of hand as per classical texts in palmistry.

Let us see identifying features of elementary hands–
- Crude and rough appearance of hand in general
- Heavy looking, mostly large and thick palm size
- Thick, short fingers with short nails
- Texture of skin is always rough- As quality of life of this person improves, texture improves too
- Palm is hard to touch as if like a rock
- The color of palm can vary– I have seen it be yellowish or white.
- The hand is usually warm
- The thumb is short and stiff– showing stubbornness and lack of motivation to achieve
- Base phalanges of all the fingers are thick showing there focus only on basic needs of life, most of the time physical aspect alone.
- Phalanges of a finger are asymmetrical.
- They have few lines on the palm– you will see only 3 main lines most of the time- life line, head line and heart line. These lines are broad and dark.
Some observations about people having elementary hands–
- They generally have a good muscular body as their main occupation involves physical labor.
- They give great importance to the basic needs of life mainly sexual aspect.
- Easily given to outbursts of anger and a physical fight is usually their remedy to solve the problem.
- Health problem induced by alcoholism, tobacco abuse, and sexually transmitted diseases is more common in this group.
- They have the low cognitive and emotional capacity
- Not amenable to reasoning or logical persuasion
- Routine life is focused around eating, drinking, sexual pleasures and sleeping.