Palm Reading for Mr D P

Important points Mercury (1st and 10th house lord) + Uranus conjunction in Scorpio in 3rd house: Significance of this combination is it makes the person very intelligent, sharp memory, excellent grasping power. Mercury being 1st house lord it influences the personality and placement in Scorpio makes person secretive, critical when he speaks and get quick […]

Palm Reading for Mr G A

Important points Green Arrows—Conic Tips and smooth finger— Person who makes a quick judgement and comprehend things quickly, doesn’t like going in much depth though he has the ability to do that (as the headline is normal and well-formed). A person has artistic inclination—love for music/art/painting/decoration etc. Yellow Circle– Mount of Jupiter— Half developed Jupiter […]

Palm Reading For Mr S V

Horoscope- Important Points Libra Lagna—Lagna Lord in Exaltation sign aspecting Moon SignA person is fond of luxury, expensive things, good food, laziness/ or laid back attitude. Saturn aspect both Venus and Lagna—Saturn in the important planet for libra Lagna—Saturn makes a person slow to think and work. Saturn and its relation to 10th house person […]

Palm Reading for Ms.L.D.

Horoscope Ascendant Rising – Capricorn – Ruling Planet Saturn Moon Sign- Libra Strong Planets- Saturn, Mars Weak Planets- Mercury and Venus   Palm Analysis+ Horoscope analysis    Hand Shape and fingers—Philosophical Hand- i.e. with Knotted fingers (Marked by Red arrows), thin and with prominent bones. Such people generally have strong Saturnian tendencies as per my […]

Palm Reading for Mr D J

Palm Reading for Mr.D J Horoscope Right Palm Red Arrow– Jupiter Finger — First thing that stands out on your palm is your Jupiter’s finger. It is Longer than Ring, it is thrusting out from the rest of the fingers (Blue line-showing the distance) and from the base, it is highly placed (Horizontal Red Line). […]

Palm Reading for Mr M.B.

Reading for Mr.MB   Overview of Horoscope-   Positive Points—Placement of Venus in 5th House (Good for education, studies, following a religion, gives a big friend circle. You must have been good in your academics as Venus Dasa was going on till age 12. Venus is influenced by Saturn+ Rahu+Ketu—this can give serious nature, one […]

Palm of A Businessman- A Jeweller

This is a hand of successful businessmen. He is a well-known jeweller and owns gold jewellery shops.    Let us see important points on the palm. Strong Jupiter (Guru) mount with the clear well-formed square on it. (Not clearly visible in the right-hand picture due to the positioning of the palm, but clearly seen left […]

Stress/ Obstacle Lines/Resistance Lines

Many horizontal lines crisscrossing on the various location on the palms are taken as a stress/obstacle/resistance lines. In this article, we will see one present in the middle of the palm. Horizontal lines starting from the inner side of the lifeline, cutting it and usually passes cutting through fate and headline in its way. In […]

Signs of Business Success

What are the signs on the palm of successful businessmen? Following are few signs which are commonly seen:- Developed Mount of Jupiter (Red Circle) and Mercury (Orange Circle)- Developed Jupiter give ambitiousness and developed Mercury gives practical hardheaded intelligence. Headline forked (Black Line) at the end and one end goes to the mount of mercury  A line […]

Significance of Fingers

In palm reading, the fingers indicate the things related to the mind and intellectual processes of an individual. When the fingers are well developed it points that individuals mind is advanced. Such an individual is suited for higher studies and mental pursuits. But the other signs on the palm must support these intellectual faculties, otherwise, […]