Palm Reading for Mr D P

Important points Mercury (1st and 10th house lord) + Uranus conjunction in Scorpio in 3rd house: Significance of this combination is it makes the person very intelligent, sharp memory, excellent grasping power. Mercury being 1st house lord it influences the personality and placement in Scorpio makes person secretive, critical when he speaks and get quick […]

Palm Reading for Mr G S

Horoscope Important Points- Libra Lagna lord in 10th House with 10th Lord Moon—This is a combination for getting a good career Mars+ Jupiter in 6th house—Though 6th House is not a favourable house for Jupiter, it is in its own house. Mars+ Jupiter has complete conjunction hence they are together in D9 Lagna as well. […]

Palm of A Businessman- A Jeweller

This is a hand of successful businessmen. He is a well-known jeweller and owns gold jewellery shops.    Let us see important points on the palm. Strong Jupiter (Guru) mount with the clear well-formed square on it. (Not clearly visible in the right-hand picture due to the positioning of the palm, but clearly seen left […]