Palm Reading for Mr G A

Important points Green Arrows—Conic Tips and smooth finger— Person who makes a quick judgement and comprehend things quickly, doesn’t like going in much depth though he has the ability to do that (as the headline is normal and well-formed). A person has artistic inclination—love for music/art/painting/decoration etc. Yellow Circle– Mount of Jupiter— Half developed Jupiter […]

Palm Reading for Ms B N

Important points Pisces Lagna—Lord Jupiter with Moon sign lord Mars in 3rd house— person becomes independent and courageous from a young age or has the behaviour of not depending on his parents from a young age—(this is also apparent on the palm which I will mention later). Aries moon sign makes the person angry and […]

Palm Reading for Mr K S

Horoscope Important Points Ketu in 2nd House—Inclined to talk less/communicate less with people; complaints of teeth. 2nd lord Budh retrograde and neech Rashi in 12th House—this can negate features of Ketu and person can have a very close circle of friends, can become very talkative. Venus+Moon conjunction in Kumbha Rashi 10th House- In the horoscope, […]

Palm Reading for Mr S.U.

Lagna/Rasi Chart Important points Sun (own sign) in Lagna house with Mercury—Excellent for intellectual development and pursuits in all throughout the life. Sun (1st House)- Opposition Saturn (7th house)—- Conflicts/difference of opinion with Father. Now in this horoscope Sun and Saturn, both are strong because of presence in Kendra house + own sign. But as […]