
Important Points
- Vargottama Simha Lagna (Leo)—Personality and Mental makeup likely to be influenced by characteristics of Sun—i.e.—Strong body makeup, tall, good looking, a brownish tinge of hair, slight thinning of the scalp. Lord of Simha Rashi—is placed in 6th house in Rashi of Makara(Capricorn)—not favourable sign as it is the enemy sign of Sun. It reduces the effect shown by the Sun. 6th House is Occupied by Sun+Mars+Mer+Venus. Out of this Venus is combust, Mars is in exaltation sign and favourable house, Sun should give average results considering placement in enemy sign. The dominance of Mars in 6th makes a person aggressive, diplomatic, sharp mind, short-tempered, high achiever and ambitious. Mars is in Uttarashada Nakshatra—this makes gives person sensitive/emotional aspect also. Mars is 4th lord – so it shows some negative impact on mother and maternal side in terms of health.
- Mercury’s placed in 6th House- Makara Raashi- in own navamsa (Virgo)—Though sign placement is good, 6th house placement is not favourable; interestingly you had Mercury Dasha period from age 3 to 20 yrs—this mercury make a person very intelligent, kind of all-rounder/ interest & skills in many fields/(?)sports, restless as a kid. Being in 6th it shows the difficulty in education, frequent ill health in childhood. Mercury being 2nd (Finance) and 11th lord (gains) in 6th (Loss/disease/enemies) – will give negative results in its antardasa.
- Venus—in 6th House— Same as Mercury it is favourable as per Rashi but not favourable as per placement. It is combust as it is close in degree with Sun. As Venus is 10th lord in 6th it is not favourable for doing business. So from a horoscope point of view, it is not advisable to do business or take loans. The concentration of 4 planets in 6th house shows trouble from enemies and legal problem. Avoid forming any habits like drinks… it will be very difficult to get rid of it.
Venus is in its own navmansa and is in the 10th house in the Navmansa chart —do you have any inclination to act/work in the film industry???
Mainly concentration of 4 planets in the 6th house is the horoscope’s main feature.
- Saturn in own sign, in quadrant 7th house— As per classical astrology it is a ‘raja yoga’
Being in 7th house shows delay in marriage.

Palm Reading
Important Points
Right Palm- 1
- Dark Blue Arrows—Fate line—is Clear and strong… starting from the upper portion of the mount of the moon and going till heart line. Such a line gives a stable/good career. The quality of line is good… no major cuts or breaks on the line… around age 36-38 there is a slight curving of the line… pointing to some transition in the career. But as it is after 10 years… the line may change by then. From Horoscope and Palm— career direction in the engineering or finance sector is beneficial.
- Yellow Arrows—Jupiter mount—2 horizontal line…. They are giving an appearance what is called as ‘Ring of Soloman/Ring of Jupiter’ … but are not completely formed… hence effects are less prominent. You likely know/ have a strong liking for occult/astrology/palmistry or related field. If these lines develop with age you can have spiritual/religious leaning as you have a well-developed mount of the moon too. Additionally, your horoscope has ‘Sanyasa yoga’ which can increase spiritual inclinations. (This yoga doesn’t mean you will take sanyasa)
- Green Arrows—Headline — kind of ending abruptly on the right palm (left hand it is normal)— I take this sign as a quick thinker, who doesn’t like to think for long/deep, restless/wavering mind. This is not a negative sign. It has its benefits and disadvantages. If it is true in your case, you can judge for yourself and modify… the line will automatically increase with the behaviour change.
- Orange Arrows—Sunline— It is average, not fully developed… arrows shown below show its development. The stronger it is a more prominent person rises in this career, becomes well known in society and better financially.
- Red arrows— Slight thinning of the heart line with an upper arrow showing an upward branch trying for meet the downward-pointing marriage line (shown by Pink Arrow)—- Downward pointing marriage line is taken as the nature of the partner doesn’t match leading to a difference of opinion/ quarrels/ unhappiness. Upward branch trying to meet/merge with the marriage line… it means this difference in nature/behaviour of the partner will emotionally affect you. If in future this line merges with that branch, as per classical palmistry it means the hypersensitive nature of the partner/ill health of a partner, or death of partner before the person having this line.
- Black Arrows—influence line— 2 are prominent as marked. As per my experience, these shows travelling due to job or for education.

Right Palm—2
- Black Arrows—Branch from heart line moving towards headline and meeting it— between age 20-22 one failed relationship, emotionally affecting a person for some time.
- Red Arrows— Small island kind of formation on headline— these are period of stress/confusion/ indecisiveness regarding career. The good thing is they are not prominent and not formed with a whole thickness of the line, hence such a situation can be overcome.
- Dark Red arrows–— This is a travel line branching from lifeline….. age shown is after 55+ years…. Just mentioning it for your reference.
- Green Arrows— curved line from the base of the mount of moon touching the lifeline— This is line is termed as a ring of moon or line of allergy/addiction— this may not always show addictions… as per my experience— such people earn a good amount of money … by share market trading … they lose money and they earn it back as well…. They seek adventure/excitement…. Likes to go for long travel. Overall good sign.

Right Palm- 3
- Red arrow— showing index finger pointing away from middle finger… strong willpower and independent nature and thinking. The base of the index finger is at par with the middle finger and index finger is straight which confirms the above point.
- Yellow circle— in the picture, it appears to be a cross formation on the mount of Jupiter— It means love marriage/ marriage which is decided quickly. This is a favourable sign for marriage and can balance the defects of the marriage line.

Right Palm-4
Pink arrow— first marriage line or as termed in modern palmistry line of affection— it can show one relationship lasting for few years… (not necessarily marriage but strong emotional bonding). But since the line marked by dark red arrows is thick, broad and long this will be taken as a marriage line. Upper dark red arrows show the kind of chained appearance…. This further confirms the difference in nature between partners which affects married life.
Left Palm -1

Here I am going to point out signs which are repeated from the right palm. Hence these points become significant.
- Orange arrows— Sunline is better developed than right palm.. as you can see it is prominent than right, straight…. Has lines going below heart line… Good for career and job growth.
- Dark blue arrows— Fate line appears a bit less prominent. But I will not take it as a negative sign. Jupiter, moon, upper mars mount and good on both hands. Career growth will be good.
- Dark red arrow— Island formation on headline—- period of stress… since it is not both palms you may face the problem of migraine. The effect will from age 30-40. Beyond that point, the headline is longer than the right one and good in quality.
- Pink arrows—forking of marriage line— can mean separation for some time…
Left Palm-2
Red arrows—same formation on marriage line as on right palm, same interpretation